Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Back to School Series 2014: Tips for Studying

This is part two of my Back to School Series. School is coming up very soon and so I thought I’d share some tips.

I’m pretty sure at least 99% of teenagers tend to procrastinate when it comes to schoolwork. I, for one, cannot go twenty minutes without getting distracting by the most insane little things. So I’ve come up with these few tips in order to help us 99%.

Tip #1
Stay Organized
This one might be overused, but it should be because it’s so important. I’ve been the both the unorganized and extremely organized person in school – and trust me, being the latter is SO much better.

For one thing, when you're organized you don’t lose assignments and when you're in class you can settle quickly because all your school items are neatly tucked away in your bag, easily retrievable when you need to grab them. Now, how do you maintain organization? It’s not that simple, I get it. The first week of school you come organized with all 24 of your number 2 pencils ready to use and the next month (or week, for some people) you find yourself begging for a pencil, your school bag containing a flimsy folder and homework crinkled somewhere at the bottom of it all.

That’s why its key to staying organized. But to do this, you have to stop being lazy. I know it’s hard. I slack off a lot on this “not being lazy” thing, but I started realizing the importance of it this year. Clean out your bag at least once a week. Put your loose papers INSIDE your folders/binders. Label things.

Once you achieve this, studying will be easier. It’s kind of like a domino effect. You keep yourself organized — your papers/homework stay organized. your papers/homework stay organized — you have all your assignments with you when you need to study.

Tip #2
Never Underestimate the Importance of Food

This is a serious one, guys.
Whenever I began to loose focus, snacking comes in handy. Try to lay off the chocolate and go for healthier choices like peanuts, raisons, blueberries, or cucumbers and salad dressing. But, if you must, treat yourself.

Tip #3
Take Breaks

Taking breaks is actually a good thing. It’s a fact that some of us only remember the first and last 10 minutes of the subject we study. Ever 25 minutes or so, take a snack break, go on a walk, or switch subjects. 

Tip #4
Make a Schedule

Plan what you’re going to study and how long your going to study for. Remember to insert breaks in your plan. Even if you just visualize what your plan is and don’t actually write it down, that’s ok. By doing this, you are setting a goal and it keeps the mind organized, so you're less prone to stress. If you’re OCD about some things like me when I make a plan and mentally or physically tick something off my “list” then I tend to feel a sense of completeness and am usually motivated to continue. That was really weird. But it’s something that helps me and hopefully it’ll help you as well.

Tip #5
Whatever you do, don’t Stress

Some types of stresses are okay, like stressing to start studying for that math exam or whatever. But if you get to a point of stress where you just don’t get it and are mentally exhausted from your work, just take a look and tip number 3 and 6 (in that order, too).

Tip #6
Ask for Help

It’s okay to ask for help. Seriously. You’re not dumb or “not cool” just because you’re smart enough to suck it up and ask for help. I would personally advise to go to your teacher or a parent and ask him/her to explain the material (at least three days before the test would probably be more sensible -- except if its your mom or dad). Unless your teacher and/or parents are no help at all, ask a friend who can actually help you. DON’T ask a friend that you know will end up distracting you. If you ask all of the above and still have no clue, well then, your kind of helpless, sorry.

JUST KIDDING. My tip for you is to go back to the beginning. Study what you know. Look at past assignments or look at a friends assignments (that are correct) and compare the two. Reread any material (out loud, if that helps you focus) that was given out.  Take time just to think about it. Take a break if you need to. Then take another look at question/fact that you are having trouble understanding.

Tip #7 
Find What Works For You

Everyone has different techniques for studying. I for one, sometimes write out my own study guide on Word, one; because I just really like typing, and two; because when I type, I stay conscious and therefore, focused. Another option is flash cards – I know SO many people talk about how flash cards are really helpful to them, because really, they are. Don’t be afraid to try out a new method.

Good luck!

The Gossamer

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